Governors Statutory Information
At Ropley, the Governors and the Head Teacher work in partnership and are responsible for the strategic direction of the school. Governing bodies act within a policy framework which is set by national legislation and they meet formally every half term.
As well as the Full Governing Body (FGB), we have 2 Committees: Curriculum and Standards Committee and Resources Committee. Each Governor sits on one of the committees as well as the FGB.
Responsibility of Curriculum & Standards Committee:
Chair - Duncan Sergeant
The range of responsibilities for the curriculum are shared between the Headteacher, the governing body, the LEA and the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. Within this, the governing body has an extensive range of responsibilities that they share with the Headteacher and in summary these are:
- Ensure appropriate implementation of the National Curriculum
- Review school policies
- Monitor school performance data, internal assessment and other educational outcomes.
- Ensure the school has appropriate Safeguarding Procedures in place.
Responsibility of Resources Committee:
Chair - Matt Rogers
The committee is responsible for the close monitoring and scrutiny of the schools annual budgetary spend, ensure the school meets its statutory obligations when recruiting and managing staff and ensure the premises and grounds meet all current legislative Health and Safety requirements. The committee has a Terms of Reference which are agreed annually.
Governors also certify that they have declared to the best of their knowledge, all beneficial interests which they, their relatives and other individuals closely connected with them have with businesses or other organisation’s which may have dealings with the school. This declaration is signed annually, and checked at each meeting of the Board of Governors.
The Pecuniary Interests of our Governing Body for 2023-24 are attached as a downloadable document below.