Global Neighbours
The Global Neighbours accreditation is run by Christian Aid in partnership with the Church of England. It aims to empower a new generation of children to speak out against poverty and injustice.
Global Neighbours is designed to support primary schools' work with pupils on global citizenship and aims to develop their understanding of global poverty and justice, the Christian call to tackle injustice and their own ability to bring about change as confident agents of change.
As Jesus said, 'Love your neighbour as yourself'.
We at Ropley CofE Primary are committed to empowering our children to become 21st century global citizens, where they feel confident to speak up and act against injustice and poverty in the world and are encouraged to be advocates for change, with real opportunities to help to transform lives.'
What have we been doing?
As part of our Global Neighbours initiative, the school council have chosen to support the charity Shelter. This year, more than 139,000 children are homeless and home is a human right. Home is everything. For every £1 donated to Shelter, 79p is spent directly on helping people through advice, support and campaigning. The remaining 21p is spent on fundraising. If every child in our school donated £1, £139.83 will be spent directly helping people and £37.17 will be spent on fundraising. Feel free to donate more than £1.
We have decided to set the following dates for our fundraising through special ‘Wacky Wednesdays’ where you have permission to get creative with part of your school uniform if you bring in a donation:
1st May – Any shoes of choice (no high heels, Heelys or football studs)
22nd May – top half of choice (no cropped tops or hair down)
19th June – bottom half of choice (not shoes of choice)
Friday 5th July – full mufti (same rules as tops + shoes.)
Autumn term 2023
Appointed Miss Kirby as our Global Neighbours leader
Explained to the whole school what global citizenship means for children and adults at school
Informed the whole community about our work in global citizenship with this webpage!
School council have asked their classes what they already know about global citizenship and issues around the world
School Council have led Collective Worship on the Shoe Box appeal
School Council are exploring how children can tackle poverty, injustice and exploitation of the natural world. e.g. They have discussed the use of single use plastics in our school and community, recycling in the school and how we already enable school uniform to be recycled
Class reflection time incorporates children watching News Round at least twice a week
Our hall display reflects the work we are doing in school on global issues
Shoe box appeal - Our School Council chose to support Wessex Rotary Shoebox Scheme last year. Thanks to our local community and our parents, we donated a fantastic 44 boxes which were sent to disadvantaged and displaced children in Eastern Europe. Our Councillors also led a Whole School Worship to tell the children all about the scheme, before handing over the boxes to James from Wessex Rotary.