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FROGS (Friends of Ropley Organise Generous Support)

Frogs is a registered charity (no. 270845)    


Follow on Instagram @ropleyschoolfrogs & Facebook ‘Ropley-Frogs Pta’

What are FROGS?

FROGS are a group of parents (the PTA) who work together to organise & run, fun social events for the children and parents to raise money for our School. Over the years, they have raised an incredible amount of money, more recently money raised has contributed to new playground equipment, a courtyard upgrade and new laptops for the library suite. FROGS work closely with Miss Vittle and the teachers to agree where our raised funds will go to support all the children within the school.

How is FROGs run?

FROGS is run by a voluntary committee elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is publicised in advance via the School Office, the school’s weekly newsletter and on the FROGS events section of the School Website.

The School Headteacher and another teacher are invited to attend committee meetings when they can.

FROGS meet every two months to discuss fundraising events and targets. Minutes of each meeting are available on request from the FROGS Chair.

We welcome new Committee members at any time. Please email us. If you don't want to join the committee but do have a good idea or want to get involved around a particular project then that is fine too—just contact your Class Rep or drop FROGS an email

The current Committee and Class Reps can be seen here: Who we are

Why support FROGS?

All parents are automatically members of FROGS: it is your charity supporting your children. School budgets are tight, so FROGS fundraising makes a real difference to educational experience of all members of the school.

  • FROGS helps pay for regular items that benefit all children: Renewing learning resources, such as school books and coaches to trips and sports fixtures.
  • FROGS helps pay for larger items that enhance the school's educational environment: new library, replacement IT equipment, the play apparatus, the interactive whiteboards.
  • FROGS helps create a sense of community: between pupils, parents, and teachers but we also build links with the wider village community through social as well as fundraising events.
  • FROGS seeks to support the teachers’ educational priorities: by weaving them through its own activities and each class is also supported financially every year with a small fund specifically for each class to spend. 
  • FROGS provides opportunities for you to have family fun, be creative, and meet other parents while making a real difference to our school!

How do we decide how the money is spent?

Parents and teachers discuss necessary and desirable items or projects, which will benefit the children. FROGS work with the school to develop a mix of short- and long-term goals. All parents are invited to have a say on how the money they raise is spent and can contact FROGS at any point to discuss.   Any school fund requests are discussed by the committee at each meeting, and we allocate funds accordingly, ensuring that there is a direct and visible impact on the School and its children across all year groups.

So, how can I help ?

Click here to find out…….How Can I Help?