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Statutory Information

Statutory Information

The Department for Education requires that schools publish certain information on their websites. To facilitate gaining this statutory information, below are shortcuts to pages on the Ropley CofE School website where the information is published.

Contact Information

Our Acting Headteacher is Miss Sam Kirby.  A full staff list can be found here

Admission Arrangements

Our Admission Policy can be found here

Results and Performance

Information about Ofsted can be found here

Details about how we assess our children and our last published KS2 SATS results from 2018 can be found here. Our Benchmarking data can be found here


Details about our Curriculum and how we deliver it at Ropley, can be found here


A link to all of our policies is here

Pupil Premium and Covid-19 Catch Up Funding

Please click here to find out how our Pupil Premium allocation and our Covid-19 Catch Up Funding has been spent.

Sports Premium

How we have used our Sports Premium can be found here

Requests for Copies can be found here