Our School Day
Arriving at School
Our School day starts every day at 8.45am. Breakfast club operates from 7.30am in The Hive.
The side gate is opened, usually by our headteacher, at 8.35am. We encourage you to leave your child near the gate to allow them to develop independence by going into class themselves and getting ready for the school day. The gate is closed at 8.45pm. Any child arriving after this time must report to reception to ensure they are registered and their lunch has been chosen. You will be asked why you have arrived late.
Our school day starts with registration and the children are encouraged to self choose their lunch choice on the whiteboard. Whole School Worship takes place every day from 8.55am to 9.15am.
Children then return to their classrooms to start their learning. Children in KS2 go to their Year Group class. We focus on Phonics/Literacy, Maths and Science every morning.
Morning Break
Every child has a mid morning break from 10.15am to 10.30am. This gives them the opportunity to get some fresh air and play with their friends. This is when your child will eat a snack - KS1 are provided with fruit and veg from the Government Scheme and children in KS2 may bring in a healthy snack of fruit or veg from home.
Lunch break starts at 12 noon for Years R, 1 and 2 and 12.10pm for Years 3-6. If the weather permits, home packed lunches may be eaten outside. Hot school lunches are served in the hall on a weekly rota basis, with our youngest children eating first.
We are a nut free school and ask that parents do not send in any food that contains nuts. This includes muesli bars, nutella spread etc.
Lunch break finishes at 1pm when all children return to the classrooms.
End of School Day
Our school day ends at 3.15pm. The side gate will be opened from 3.10pm for parents to collect from the school playground. Our school week totals 32.5 hours.
Children who are booked into Extended Day will be registered in the outside classroom by the extended day staff.