SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disability)
Special Educational Needs and Disability provision at Ropley
All staff and governors at the school will do their best to meet the special educational needs of all the pupils at the school. This will be achieved by:
- Admitting all pupils to the school on the basis of the school’s published admissions procedures and welcoming all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs. (Children in receipt of a statement may have our school named within it).
- Ensuring the SEN and Disability Act and relevant Codes of Practice are implemented effectively across the school.
- Developing a partnership between parents, pupils and the school, in which each has an active role to play in the education of special educational needs pupils.
- Enabling all pupils to be offered access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum with the maximum degree of social and educational inclusion.
- Enabling teachers to make appropriate provision for all their pupils through provision of appropriate support, information and advice.
- Developing a wide community involvement in special educational needs through multi-agency partnership and other local initiatives to the benefit of the pupils
- To ensure that pupils with SEN are perceived positively by all members of the school community and that SEN and inclusive provision is positively valued and accessed by staff and parent/carers.
- Our SENCo is Mrs Hayes. She can be contacted by email at or by telephoning the school office on 01962 772381
Who has Special Educational Needs?
The term ‘special educational needs’ has a legal definition. Children with special educational needs all have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children of the same age. Children with special educational needs may need extra help because of a range of needs, such as in thinking and understanding, physical or sensory difficulties, emotional and behavioural difficulties, or difficulties with the way they relate to and behave with other people
You will find further information in the documents below and specific details about our use of the Pupil Premium (where relevant) to the left of this page. If you have any specific questions, do not hesitate to contact the school.
If your child has special educational needs or a disability, you can go to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) for support. Their website is SENDIASS offer information, advice and support for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Their service is also offered directly to young people. There is also a guide to SEN for Parents which can be downloaded from the link below.
Autism Awareness and ADHD video